Archive for April, 2008

My Battle with Spammers

Friday, April 18th, 2008

First off, I apologize to anyone in Russsian Federation or the Ukraine who has tried to send me a comment using my "Contact Us " form. I've had to ban the two countries completely. It was a pretty easy decision. I haven't received any sales from either country yet my ...

Digital Library

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

Over the last month I've been working on a database for all of the images. This is one major task. The plan includes being able to search by CD title, color, keyword, etc. I've made a working prototype but I continue to come up with more features including; seeing ...

I’ve said Good Bye to the User Forum

Monday, April 14th, 2008

After 4 disappointing months, I have turned off the "User Forum" and have replaced it with this blog. As it turned out, the forum was too cumbersome and a bit confusing to use for most people. I also wanted a place to write about new products and features that I'm ...