Coming Soon, the Digital Library

June 6, 2024 - 4:49 pm

The new “Digital Library” is getting closer. It’s been a lot of work, but I think it will be worth it. You’ll be able to search by CD, color or keyword. I figure it will be a couple weeks (I hope) before it goes live. Entering all of the images into the data base is a tedious chore. I’ve included a screen shot of what I have so far.

1155 and Counting

May 1, 2024 - 12:01 pm

It’s been about a month and I’ve had 1155 attempts to inject spam into my “Contact Us” form. What’s amazing to me is the multiple attempts that go no where. You would think that when my form says, Invalid Subject - Mail not sent, they would get the message.

I’ve actually had to ban on spammer from the United Kingdom. He tried at least 30 times. Can anyone really give me a good explanation why? Does anyone actually click on these email links?

My Battle with Spammers

April 18, 2024 - 6:07 pm

First off, I apologize to anyone in Russsian Federation or the Ukraine who has tried to send me a comment using my “Contact Us ” form. I’ve had to ban the two countries completely. It was a pretty easy decision. I haven’t received any sales from either country yet my logs show an amazing level of attempted junk mail hi-jacking.

So, I’ve been battling the spammers. So far I have a list of 900+ ipaddresses (individual computers) that have tried to use my form mail to send out junk mail to me and others. I’ve never quite understood why anyone even bothers. I don’t know of anyone who clicks on these viagra links.

So if you have been banned, I apologize. Leave me a comment and I’ll let you back in.

Digital Library

April 15, 2024 - 8:25 pm

Over the last month I’ve been working on a database for all of the images. This is one major task. The plan includes being able to search by CD title, color, keyword, etc. I’ve made a working prototype but I continue to come up with more features including; seeing a larger size (with watermark), and making the database available directly from each CD product page. I’m thinking about creating a membership model like some of the stock houses that would allow you to cherry pick the collection. I haven’t figured pricing yet…. by credits, number of downloads a month.

I’ll try post a screen shot on my next post.

I’ve said Good Bye to the User Forum

April 14, 2024 - 5:59 pm

After 4 disappointing months, I have turned off the “User Forum” and have replaced it with this blog. As it turned out, the forum was too cumbersome and a bit confusing to use for most people. I also wanted a place to write about new products and features that I’m working on for the web site. It seemed that the forum was too confining. Of course, now I have to learn how to use WordPress. I’m sure over time this too will change. Feel free to comment